• Respect the rights of staff, ensuring their workplace is safe and healthy and free from harassment.
  • Abide by the terms of your agreement with us.
  • Understand that your needs may change and with this, your services may need to change to meet your needs
  • Accept responsibility for your own actions and choices even though some choices may involve risk.
  • Tell us if you have problems with the care and services you are receiving.
  • Give us enough information to develop, deliver and review your support plan.
  • Care for your own health and wellbeing as much as you are able.
  • Provide us with information that will help us better meet your needs.
  • Provide us with a minimum of 48 hours’ notice when you will not be home for your service.
  • Be aware that our staff are only authorised to perform the agreed number of hours and tasks outlined in your service agreement.
  • Participate in safety assessments of your home.
  • Ensure pets are controlled during service provision.
  • Provide a smoke-free working environment.