Support Coordination

We help you to start using your NDIS plan funds, choosing your providers and managing your contracts. Depending on your desired outcomes within your individualised NDIS plan, you may receive funding for support coordination.

Support Coordination is when someone:

  • Helps you understand your NDIS plan thoroughly
  • Helps you to activate / implement your NDIS plan to best achieve your desired outcomes
  • Finds you the best support
  • Helps you build your ability to connect with the community and supports
  Our support coordinators will assist you to understand and set up your individualised plan. We will focus on building your skills and capabilities to coordinate the plan yourself so that you can access your supports and your community in your best interests. We will help you talk to providers about what they offer and how much it will cost out of your NDIS plan and make sure the service agreements are all completed correctly as per your requirements and goals. We will also help you plan for your next NDIS review to ensure that you get everything you need to continue to move towards the life that you desire.