Start exploring, meet new people, try new things and enjoy the experience.
We will help you gain the experiences you want
Our support services help you increase your confidence to get involved in the community, to get out and about and socialise. We take great pride in knowing our communities very well so that we can help you connect and gain the experiences you have selected.
Whether it is a day fishing, a trip to a Koala sanctuary or just visiting friends our community access service will be designed around you and what you would like to do.
Explore new experience and have fun doing them
Taking part in your local community will make you feel more involved, increase your well-being, and you will meet new people. Whether it is going to the gym or playing sport, hobbies, Community Groups, days out or social activities with friends that interest you, our programs will be tailored to match what interests you most, and in the process, you will build your self-confidence.
You may need support to focus on the opportunity to make greater connections with your community, family and friends and build your self-confidence.